The Appropriation of Diversity Discourses at Work: A Ventriloquial Approach

Author(s): Pascale Caidor, François Cooren

Citation: Pascale Caidor, François Cooren, (2018) "The Appropriation of Diversity Discourses at Work: A Ventriloquial Approach," Journal of Business Diversity, Vol.18, Iss. 4, pp.  22-41

Article Type: Research paper

Publisher: North American Business Press


In this paper we propose to analyze the implementation of a new diversity program by adopting a communication as constitutive of organization (CCO) approach. More precisely, we propose to mobilize a ventriloquial perspective on organizational communication (Cooren and Sandler, 2014), as we believe that it allows to identify what leads members to appropriate or, on the contrary, reject diversity initiatives. This empirical study aims to understand how members mobilize different figures, whether humans, norms, values and principles, to justify or fight against the norms being put into effect in this new project.