Metacognitive Strategies for Effective Interaction Across Cultures:
Global Leaders Perspective

Author(s): Elizabeth Goryunova

Citation: Elizabeth Goryunova, (2020) "Metacognitive Strategies for Effective Interaction Across Cultures: Global Leaders Perspective," Journal of Business Diversity, Vol.20, Iss. 1, pp. 28-45

Article Type: Research paper

Publisher: North American Business Press


Cross-cultural interactions are densely woven into the fabric of our diverse global environment. Accordingly, contemporary organizations are challenged with managing various forms of interdependence between representatives of different cultures while building synergies towards shared goals. Research demonstrates that individual effectiveness in cross-cultural interactions is facilitated by cultural metacognition that can be enhanced through the acquisition and employment of relevant metacognitive strategies. This qualitative study utilized Cognitive Task Analysis methodology to explore metacognitive processes engaged by global leaders during intercultural interactions and identified five effective metacognitive strategies that could be used to improve cross-cultural effectiveness of leaders and outcomes for corporations.