Journal of
Marketing Development and Competitiveness

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Abstracts prior to volume 5(1) have been archived!

Issue 5(1), October 2010 -- Paper Abstracts
Girard  (p. 9-22)
Cooper (p. 23-32)
Kunz-Osborne (p. 33-41)
Coulmas-Law (p.42-46)
Stasio (p. 47-56)
Albert-Valette-Florence (p.57-63)
Zhang-Rauch (p. 64-70)
Alam-Yasin (p. 71-78)
Mattare-Monahan-Shah (p. 79-94)
Nonis-Hudson-Hunt (p. 95-106) 


Virtual Teams: Learning Intercultural Business Communication by Doing

Author(s): Stephanie Swartz, Susan L. Luck

Citation: Stephanie Swartz, Susan L. Luck, (2018) "Virtual Teams: Learning Intercultural Business Communication by Doing," Journal of Organizational Psychology, Vol. 18, Iss. 1, pp. 42-45

Article Type: Research paper

Publisher: North American Business Press


While it is one thing to read about communication and work styles in other countries, experiencing it and working within it while also having to meet expected requirements of your own culture is something different altogether. Engaging students in team projects across borders using digital communication channels enables them to move beyond a textbook understanding of working interculturally in modern day work environments. This paper provides an overview and methodology of experiential international communication learning exercises involving virtual teams, as well as offers suggestions on how to set up similar international classroom learning experiences.